animal, baby, bandit, Bible woman, boarding-school, Brahman, caste, Catholic, charity, chief, children, Church of Ireland, clergy, colony, committee, congregation, convert, correspondence, death, disease, dispensary, doctor, education, Evangelicalism, evangelism, family, festival, flood, furlough, Girl Guide, gospel, healing, Hindu, hospital, hunting, hymn, idol, Indians, injury, Islam, itineration, Jesus, justice, lady missionaries, leprosy, liberty, medical mission, medicine, midwife, Mohammedan, monarch, money, morality, nurse, operating theatre, opium, ordination, photograph, poem, prayer, preaching, Presbyterian, rail, recruitment, Roman Catholic, sacrifice, salvation, school, Scripture, secretary, service, ship, statistics, steamboat, Sunday School, surgery, teaching, The Bible, theology, trade, training college, tribe, typhoid, university, war, ward, wife, women, World War I, youth