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The Mission Hospital
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Issue Date
Nov 1928
addict, arms, baby, bandit, baptism, Bible woman, blindness, bullet wound, chief, children, clergy, commerce, committee, communism, convert, correspondence, death, disease, dispensary, doctor, East India Company, education, empire, entertainment, family, fever, film, Gleaners' Union, gospel, government, hospital, identity, injury, Jesus, literacy, literature, medical mission, medicine, Methodist, midwife, monarch, money, nurse, operating theatre, opium, pastor, photograph, pilgrimage, pioneer, pity, prayer, preaching, Presbyterian, print, prostitution, rail, Red Cross, revolution, sacrifice, school, secretary, servant, service, slavery, Sunday School, superstition, surgery, teaching, The Bible, trade, training college, tuberculosis, typhoid, violence, volunteer, war, ward, widow, wife, women, Women's Department, youth, zenana
Kai-Shek, Chiang; Stock, EugeneBiographies
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Bannu; Beihei; Fuhkien province; Fuzhou; Guandong; Guanxi; Hangzhou; Hong Kong; Hunan; Jiangsu; Kweilin; Nanjing; Ningde; Quetta; Shanghai; Tianjin; Tokyo; Yunnan
Produced By
Church Missionary Society
Place of Publication
Other Titles
The Way of Healing; Mercy and Truth The Periodical Titles
Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham
Church Mission Society
Other Issues in this Volume
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