agriculture, amputation, animal, arms, baby, bandit, baptism, Bible woman, birth, blindness, boarding-school, Brahman, British and Foreign Bible Society, camp, caste, cataract, catechist, chief, childbirth, children, cholera, Church of Scotland, clergy, colony, committee, confirmation, congregation, convert, correspondence, death, disease, dispensary, doctor, donation, drought, dysentery, education, empire, evangelism, examination, exhibition, extended family, family, famine, fever, film, flood, furlough, Girl Guide, gospel, government, healing, hernia, Hindu, hospital, hunting, hymn, idol, Indians, influenza, injury, institution, International Missionary Council (IMC), Jesus, Jubilee, lady missionaries, leper colony, leprosy, literature, malaria, marriage, maternity hospital, medical mission, medicine, medicine man, Methodist, midwife, money, morality, nurse, operating theatre, opium, pastor, photograph, pioneer, plague, plants, prayer, preaching, prejudice, Presbyterian, Prince of Wales, privilege, propaganda, race, radio, rail, rebel, recruitment, refugee, salvation, school, Scripture, secretary, servant, service, social life, statistics, superstition, surgery, teaching, The Bible, trade, training college, trial, tribe, tuberculosis, ulcer, university, war, ward, widow, wife, witchcraft, women, World War I, youth