addict, Africans, agriculture, animal, baby, bandit, baptism, Bible woman, birth, blindness, boarding-school, camp, cataract, catechist, chief, childbirth, children, cholera, Church of England, clergy, colony, committee, communism, congregation, convalescent home, convert, correspondence, death, dentistry, disease, dispensary, doctor, dysentery, education, entertainment, evangelism, examination, exhibition, family, famine, festival, fever, flood, foot binding, furlough, gospel, government, Hausa, healing, Hindu, hospital, hunting, hymn, income, influenza, injury, institution, itineration, Jesus, leper colony, leprosy, literature, magic lantern, malaria, maternity hospital, medical mission, medicine, Methodist, midwife, monarch, money, morality, Native Church, New Testament, nurse, nursery, operating theatre, opium, orphanage, pastor, photograph, pioneer, plague, plants, poverty, prayer, preaching, pregnancy, prejudice, Presbyterian, prison, prisoner, privilege, propaganda, radio, rail, recruitment, refugee, Ruanda Mission, rubber, school, Scripture, secretary, servant, service, slavery, smallpox, statistics, Sunday School, superstition, surgery, teaching, The Bible, training college, tribe, tuberculosis, typhoid, ulcer, university, vaccination, war, ward, wife, witchcraft, women, zenana