agriculture, animal, baby, baptism, boarding-school, British and Foreign Bible Society, cannibal, catechist, chaplain, chief, children, civilisation, clergy, code, colony, conflict, congregation, convert, correspondence, death, doctor, education, Eskimo, examination, family, fever, generation, gospel, healing, Hindu, hymn, idol, immigration, Indians, institution, Islam, Jesus, lady missionaries, liberty, literature, Maori, marriage, medicine, memoir, migration, mission house, Mohammedan, monarch, murder, Native American, native clergy, ordination, orphanage, pastor, piety, poem, prayer, preaching, privilege, Protestant, psalm, race, rail, salvation, school, Scripture, secretary, servant, service, ship, slavery, steamboat, Sunday School, superstition, teaching, The Bible, The Willows, theology, trade, translation, trial, tribe, university, violence, war, wife, women, Yoruba, youth