Archbishop of Canterbury, baby, baptism, blindness, boarding-school, Buddhism, catechist, Catholic, chief, children, Church of England, Church of South India, civilisation, clergy, commerce, committee, communication, confirmation, congregation, convert, correspondence, deacon, death, discipline, doctor, donation, education, empire, Eskimo, evangelism, examination, extended family, family, famine, gospel, government, Hindu, hospital, idol, income, Indians, indigenous Christians, Islam, Jesus, literature, memoir, mission house, Mohammedan, monarch, money, morality, music, Native American, Native Church, native clergy, opium, ordination, orphanage, pastor, photograph, plants, poem, port, prayer, preaching, prejudice, print, privilege, Protestant, providence, race, rail, Roman Catholic, sacrifice, salvation, school, Scripture, secretary, service, ship, shrine, slavery, steamboat, Sunday School, surgery, teaching, trade, trade post, translation, trial, university, war, ward, wife, women, Yoruba, youth